Guide to authors
Guide to Authors
1. Submission of Manuscripts
1. Submission of Manuscripts
- All manuscripts should be submitted (as either PDF, LATEX or Word files) by email to : IJIMS@staff.tku.edu.tw.
- Three files are necessary. The first is a regular manuscript. The second keeps the same as the first except all informations related to author(s) are removed, including acknowledgment. The third is Authors’ Information (see item 12). DO NOT USE the online submission system as it is still under construction.
- Papers submitted to this journal must NOT been previously published nor be under review by another journal. Any form of duplicate publication or plagiarism is absolutely prohibited. Violation of it will be penalized. Author(s) alone should take all responsibilities of all possible accusations due to violation of those previously mentioned.
- Any addition, deletion, or rearrangement of the author's name in the author list should be done before the manuscript is accepted and approved by the journal editor. Please consider the list and order of authors carefully before submitting.
- Once the files are deemed to have complied with the format requirements, an acknowledgement email will be send together with a paper ID to the corresponding author.
- The length limit for each manuscript is 20 galley-proof pages including figures, tables and others.
- Manuscript should use 12-point Times New Roman font and 1.5 spacing throughout. Space should be fully utilized.
- All illustrations, photographs, tables, etc., should be on separate sheets, and should be included in each copy. Each page of the manuscript should be numbered.
- Manuscript should be written in impeccable English (either US or UK spelling is accepted, but not a mixture of both).
- HEADING: The title of the paper should be concise and informative. Successive lines should give the author’s name, academic or professional affiliation, and address.
- ABSTRACT: Every manuscript must start with a concise abstract, no more than 150 words, followed by no more than 5 keywords.
- MAIN TEXT: Structured clearly with sections such as (but not limited to) Introduction, Literature Reviews, Notations and Assumptions, Data and Methodology, Model Formulation, Research Design, Data Analysis and Results, Discussion, Conclusions, etc.
- ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: This section includes acknowledgements of assistances and financial support, etc. Please note that only accepted manuscripts may include this section, else place this section in your authors' file.
- REFERENCES: See detailed instructions in item 11.
- All Illustrations should be submitted in a form suitable for reproduction. Number the illustrations according to the sequence of their appearance in the text, where they are to be referred to as “Fig. 1,” “Fig. 2,” etc. Each illustration may have a legend, if required.
- Photographs should be glossy prints. The author’s name and figure number should be indicated on the back of each illustration.
- In the text, follow the rules implied in these examples, enclosing the reference number, in brackets after the author’s name: Stuart [10] demonstrated that . . ..
- For more than three authors use: Blaxland et al. [3] discovered · · · [2, 3, 5] is not permitted. Instead, use (see Robbins [2], Johnson and Chen [5])
- Tables should be typed on separate pages. Number the illustrations according to the sequence of their appearance in the text, where they are to be labeled as "Table 1", "Table 2", etc.
- Table titles should be short and self-explanatory.
- A brief title should be given above each table, and any footnotes below (see Section 8).
- The following sequence of headings should be used: 1 , 1.1 (then 1.2, 1.3, ...), 1.1.1 (then 1.1.2, 1.1.3,...)
- Please refrain from using fourth level sections/headers.
- In the text, footnotes are not permitted. They should be properly included in the context.
- Use smaller font size for table footnotes.
- Please use widely accepted symbols and forms of abbreviation.
- If there is any doubt in your mind about a particular symbol or abbreviation, give the full expression followed by the abbreviation, when it appears in the text for the first time.
- Mathematical expressions and equations should be properly typewritten, with all symbols aligned as they are to appear in print.
- All Greek letters and other special symbols must be identified.
- Vectors will be set in bold face and should be indicated in the manuscript by underlining with a wavy line.
- Equations or formulae should be numbered serially on the right-hand side by Arabic numberals in parentheses. For example, the first formula in section 3 is numbered by (3.1). Only equations explicitly referred to in the text should be numbered.
- All literature citations should be collected in a list at the end of the paper and numbered alphabetically according to the last name of the first author. Retain the original title for publications in languages using the Roman alphabet. However, those employing Cyrillic and other non-Roman alphabets should be transliterated. Please note the original language at the end, e.g., “(in Russian).”
- Include DOI of the references whenever available.
- Please follow the style below:
- References to items in periodicals: This should take the form: authors, title, year, journal, volume number, pages. For authors, last names are given first, even for multiple authors; likewise for editors with the name followed by: (ED.). Author’s name always ends with a period, either as the abbreviation for his initial, or for the purpose. The title has only the first word and proper names (or their derivatives) starting with capital letters, and it ends with a period. The date is given in parentheses.
- References to reports or proceedings: Author(s), title (same style as above), report number, source including date and pages.
- References to books: Author(s), (year). (same style as the periodicals), title (all principal words star with a capital letter, and the title is underlined so that it will be set in italics), publisher, city, page or chapter references.
[xx] Jones, R. W., Marks, F. M. and Anthony, T. (1960). Programming Routines for Boolean Functions, Journal of the ACM, Vol.5, 5-19.
[xx] Marshall, A. (1920). Principles of Economics: An Introductory Volume, 8th Edition, London: Macmillan.
12. Authors’ Information[xx] Jones, R. W., Marks, F. M. and Anthony, T. (1960). Programming Routines for Boolean Functions, Journal of the ACM, Vol.5, 5-19.
[xx] Marshall, A. (1920). Principles of Economics: An Introductory Volume, 8th Edition, London: Macmillan.
- Authors should provide the following informations in a separate file:
- Grant-supported research like funding, fellowship or any financial backing from person, university, organization or government.
- Authors’ full affiliations, (department, university, country) email address and major area (at most 3 items) are to be given in order of authors. For example,
Department of xxx, xxx University, ..., Canada.
E-mail: xxx
Major area(s): xxx
Department of xxx, xxx University, ..., USA.
E-mail: xxx
Major area(s): xxx
E-mail: xxx
Major area(s): xxx
Department of xxx, xxx University, ..., USA.
E-mail: xxx
Major area(s): xxx